Personal Injury & Workers Compensation
Enhance Your Well-Being
About Personal Injury & Workers Compensation
Personal injury incidents typically occur outside the workplace, often due to accidents like car crashes or slips and falls. Workers’ compensation injuries, on the other hand, happen during work-related activities and are eligible for coverage through workers’ compensation insurance. Chiropractic care can help in both cases by providing pain relief, injury rehabilitation, and a holistic approach to well-being. Chiropractors offer non-invasive treatment options that can be an effective alternative to surgery in some cases, and their detailed medical records can support legal and insurance claims for both personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. If Chiropractic care sounds right for you, have your attorney contact our office to get started.
How Does Workers Compensation Work?
This is not legal advice. Workers’ compensation is a safety net for employees who sustain job-related injuries or illnesses. It provides medical care coverage and partial wage replacement to help injured workers recover and return to their jobs. This insurance system is a crucial support mechanism for both employees and employers, ensuring that medical needs are met, and legal disputes are minimized in the event of workplace injuries.